Welcome to


vid Frölunda Torg


Opening hours this summer:

Throughout the month of July, Vardagsrummet is open Tuesday-Thursday 11:00-13:00.


On August 7th, we finally start up our Language café again after the summer break. Wednesdays at 17.30-18.30.



About us

Vardagsrummet next to Frölunda Torg is a collaboration between five churches in western Gothenburg and Poseidon AB. Together, we want to work for a more sustainable and pleasant Frölunda.


We want to meet people’s needs: spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, Vardagsrummet invites you to fellowship and activities every week.

Opening hours in Vardagsrummet

Currently, these are our most regular opening hours. In addition to these times, we are open for evening activities on certain weeks. For more details on what’s happening in Vardagsrummet, check out our “Calendar” in the menu bar at the top.


Tuesday: 11.00-13.00

Wednesday: 11.00-13.00 + 17.30-18.30

Thursday: 10.00-13.00

Friday: 11.00-13.00

Talk to us

Do you have questions? Contact us at info@vardagsrummet.se.

Would you like to give to Vardagsrummet?

Swish: 123-369 05 18.